Lawn Care Marketing - Photo 1

So, you decided to run a lawn care business and, of course, you want it to be successful. Thus, you need to know about lawn care marketing strategies to get the best results possible. Marketing is all about making the right decisions in advance to guarantee the growth of your business. It does not really matter what you sell. What matters is how you sell it. Read the following info to know about the most effective lawn care marketing ideas.

Why Bother?

You cannot just wait till customers come to you. You need to be prepared in advance and get ready to make customers come to you. Therefore, you need to develop a lawn care marketing plan. With a good plan you can reach success and get more customers. You cannot simply wait till success comes on its own. You should attract customers by following the tips provided below

Get Online

Make a Website

The first step in marketing a lawn care business is to create a website. It is super easy and very cheap. It shouldn’t be fancy or complex. In fact, you can even do it for free on your own. It can be done in a matter of days. Having your own site is the first step at placing your business online. These days everything is going digital and everyone is using the best lawn care software available to run their business and you simply cannot ignore this fact. People use internet to find whatever services and goods they need to find. The website should help your customers to reach simple but important objectives. Customers should to be able to get in touch with you. They also need to know basic info about your business, its location, services you provide, fees, etc.

Start a Facebook Page

Facebook is #1 social media platform in the world. In order to know how to market a lawn care business you need to have a Facebook page. It is a very simple thing to do but it will definitely attract more customers. The existing customers can leave comments and reach you via your Facebook page. You should provide good photos and manage the page 24/7 in order to get the best results.

Printed Marketing Materials


You need to promote your lawn care business with all means possible. Flyers are still a very effective form of advertising. And it is very cheap. You can also do it yourself without making too much effort. Make sure to distribute flyers wisely. For example, deliver more than 1 or 2 flyers to a certain house monthly. This will help you build brand recognition. Customers get to memorize those things better that appear in front of their eyes more often. Therefore, focus on a smaller area rather than trying to deliver a bigger amount of flyers to a higher number of homes. A good flyer should have all the important information about the services you offer and how to get in touch with your company. It should answer all the possible client’s questions and be brief but informative.

lawn care Business Cards

Like any business owner you should have your own business cards. This is also one of the types of lawn care advertisement that can build up your appearance among other companies. It also makes it easier for you to tell people what you do. A business card contains all the important information much like flyer. But it is always with you and your employees should also have cards with them. Moreover, you as the head of business must be able to quickly show (don’t tell) what you do to your possible customers, neighbors, friends, business partners, and acquaintances.

Market Your Existing Customers

Lawn care marketing strategies are not only about how to get lawn care customers fast. It is also about providing quality service to your existing customers. And one of the best ways to do it is by staying in touch with them. Your loyal customers can really make a difference because they will come to you again and again. Moreover, they will recommend you to their friends. Your ultimate goal should be to make all your clients into loyal customers. That is the best things that can happen.

Marketing Plan

Everything starts with a plan. A good marketing plan is the key to success. Consider using the services of Managemart to plan a good marketing campaign. As you now know you can do a lot alone but your marketing strategies need supervision. Even a small mistake can cost you customers. Your lawn care advertising and marketing will be much more successful with a proper professional help.

All in all, now you’re briefly informed about the importance of certain market strategies for your lawn care business. These are far from everything a marketing specialist can offer. It is up to you what to do yourself but marketing is science that has as much methods as there are stars in the sky. One thing is certain, though, and that is the fact that your lawn care business will only benefit from an accurate, thorough, and precise marketing plan as well as effective marketing strategies & use professional lawn care software.